Updated: 22/11/2016

Technical Research: Electrode

Is a platform which enables standardised development of React/Node.js applications / objects. While keeping the benefits of React, it allows safer conduction of programming when passing the code from one team to another, or to the new students. Additionally, it supports a lot more libraries, including Redux which is also taken into consideration by our team. [1]

Key Features

  • Easy to integrate
  • Support of various libraries, including React and Redux
  • Standardised procedure, best for keeping consistency
  • Simple deployment for each server-side

  • Usage

    This platform has been introduced to our team by the client. Due to concerns that the next developers will not be able to follow the code which will have been programmed, one of the main criteria is to make our development as standardised and mostly simplified as possible. This would allow new developers to safely integrate additional features or amend our code. For these reasons, Electrode seems one of such solutions that will follow the desired requirements.


  • Same advantages of React
  • Is better for components
  • “Tighter” in functions, meaning less semantic errors during development
  • Less complex than the alternatives
  • You can render React on the server-side
  • It ensures readability and makes maintainability easier
  • Enables standardised programming
  • Safer integration by other teams
  • Separate deployments for each server-side
  • Support of various libraries

  • Disadvantages

  • Does not support Angular
  • May not support some other libraries which may or may not be discovered later by us or others, thus requires all teams to be informed of the platform and framework

  • Alternatives

  • Native ReactJS
  • Universal JavaScript [2]
  • Non-React platforms

  • References

    [1] Electrode.io. (2016). What is Electrode? | Electrode. [online] Available at: http://www.electrode.io/docs/what_is_electrode.html [Accessed 22 Nov. 2016].
    [2] Scotch. (2016). React on the Server for Beginners: Build a Universal React and Node App. [online] Available at: https://scotch.io/tutorials/react-on- the-server-for-beginners-build-a-universal-react-and-node-app [Accessed 22 Nov. 2016].