Updated: 10/12/16


Experiment Title Experiment Details Experiments Results Success / Failure Done By Date
Experiment 1 Trialled use of D3 for static data visualisation. Successfully managed to create a static hierarchical data display. Became familiar with D3 and how to utilise it to visualisation can be used to aid understanding of complex multi-hierarchical structures. Daniil Gannota 01/12/2016
Experiment 2 Trialled interactivity aspects of D3 by building upon Experiment 1. Successfully implemented a zoom feature, allows users to zoom into individual structure by clicking. Familiarised ourselves with interactive d3. However, the data structure we used may not be relevant for medical data. Daniil Gannota 03/12/2016

Progress Highlights

Following initial trials with data visualisation using D3, we became familiar with how to integrate interactive charts within a website. We also created an interactive user interface prototype of the dashboards, so as to get client feedback regarding design.

For further description about our experiments follow this link.


plans for term 2 design patterns performance analysis experiments version control dashboard prototype